I can sit here and write a thousand words and try to convince you why you would want to hire me, but none of that matters if you don't believe I am the right fit for your needs.

The simple fact is this business is saturated with trainers and coaches. Some of whom I respect greatly and many I have never heard of. Some enter this business hoping to be the next great influencer, and some genuinely want to make a difference in their clients' lives without wanting to become famous on social media. 

So why me?

Aside from my 25+ years of experience as a coach and trainer and my educational background, why do you want to invest time and money into my services?

I have been there. 

I was the guy who was lost in his fitness journey and in dire need of accountability. In fact, I still need it, and that is why I still have coaches to help me stay on track. 

I practice positive coaching and am a big proponent of speaking your feelings into existence with positive self-talk.

I am not naive enough to think depression can be cured by "just be happy, bro." That ridiculousness isn't what I mean by speaking your feelings into existence. 

I am sure you heard people say if you tell a kid enough times they are bad, they will start to believe it. That is because the developing brain absorbs knowledge, and those words' impact on a young child's life can resonate through the years, helping to cause success or trauma. 

You are no different when you say things like:

"I suck"

"Why do I keep fucking up?"

"I am never going to lose weight."

"I can't do this."

That is unacceptable to me.

I want to hear you replace those phrases.

"I suck." >>> "I didn't do well this time, I can do better."

"Why do I keep fucking up?" >>> "How can I make sure this isn't repeated?"

"I am never going to lose weight." >>> "What can I do to lose weight and keep it off?"

"I can't do this." >>> "I CAN do this."

There is evidence behind positive affirmations, which is the core of my coaching.

I seek to empower you, help you, correct missteps with actionable solutions, and offer a community of clients (both online and in-person) via my Discord server to support you and encourage your growth as a human and results in the gym. 

Whether you are a competitor, a single working mother, a 50-year-old father of three, or a person who tried everything possible to keep the weight off, you have a home in this type of coaching environment.

I firmly believe after all my years of training people, coaching athletes, being an athlete in many sports, and reaching the pinnacle of my sport, there isn't any room for overt negativity.

This lesson was driven home to me in such an amazing way when I coached Liberty High School (MO) Boy's rugby team with the greatest coach I ever coached with, Tracey Davis. 

Tracey played for the US Women's Rugby team years ago, and when I first went to her for the position, one of my good friends was her former teammate - Jen Sinkler. Jen gave me a glowing recommendation, and I soon joined her team.

Tracey's coaching style radically departed from my past as an athlete. These simple tenets guided her leadership, and they stuck with me.

  1. Correct the athlete by fixing what they did wrong. Don't just say, "You did this wrong," show them how to fix it and help them with it.

  2. No yelling at any athlete for any reason. Talk to them, not at them.

  3. No cursing to athletes. Admittedly I am not the best at not cursing, but I don't swear at people to correct them. 

  4. Unstoppable teamwork. We are a unit, not a bunch of individuals. 

Tracey walked the walk and has built an incredible program at Liberty in the boys' and girls' divisions. I have seen it, and those kids absolutely adore her.

Here is the best part.

They win and share their off-the-field success with her.

All that tough love screaming bullshit coaches pretend works falls away when you treat your people like you care for them.

The trick is showing you care and not just saying it.

She shows it, and I do my damn best to be the same way for my clients.

So why should you hire me?

I don't know. That is up to you. I can promise you I will listen, work with you, be patient, support you and help you, find ways to improve your habits and offer solutions and coaching that allow you to thrive in your fitness journey without making you dread coming to me and saying, "I messed up this week."

I am your coach, not a tyrant.

I am here to lead and walk with you.

If you want to work with me, I would love to talk with you about it. Drop me a line, and let’s see what we can figure out.

Send me an email and let's chat